29 May 2009


I am often asked what is the best exercise for the spine. Without hesitation, I always say walking. In modern life, we simply do not walk enough, and sit more than is healthy. My patients that walk a lot, especially those that don’t own cars or computers, always recover faster and stay better longer. Even for those that struggle with neck problems, walking is essential. When you walk it involves your entire spine and not just your lower back. As one of my patients described it, the spine functions as a kinetic chain. To give you an illustration, when we are examining your spine, movements of your neck can elicit changes in your leg length. This shows the interconnectedness of your body.

If finding a place to walk is a challenge, a nice place that is available to most of us is a shopping mall. Just make sure it's a fast walk, so no stopping or slowing down. You should be taking 3-4 brisk walks for 20-30 minutes every week. Your whole body, including your spine and nervous system will reward you for it. Also remember, that no matter what sort of exercise you prefer, you must include walking in your regimen as well.

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