23 June 2009


Yesterday, one of my patients told me about a concerned question he received from a friend upon hearing that they've been to a chiropractor. He asked if his neurosurgeon was aware that his wife is receiving chiropractic care, implying that it's potentially dangerous. This patient replied to his friend that when he took his wife to the neurosurgeon they paid a lot of money but didn't get any better. In contrast, since beginning chiropractic care, his wife has improved and doesn't complain anymore.

A few hours later, I had a new patient who told me about his 38 year old cousin, who is now in a wheelchair after two failed back operations. It's funny how people tend to think of chiropractic care as being potentially harmful, when spinal operations are far more risky. And the success rate of back operations is questionable, as I read a few years ago that most people that are considered successful spinal operations are still using pain pills.

As a chiropractor, I often come across many cases where a spinal operation did not help. From the neurosurgeon's perspective, they often come across the cases where chiropractic care did not help. So we tend to see each other's failures. That does not mean that surgery is always unsuccessful. It has it's place, but should be the last resort. More and more medical doctors are learning about the value of chiropractic care because their patients are telling them about the benefits they've experienced. So the next time you see your medical doctor, tell them about your chiropractic experience. In contrast to the pharmaceutical companies, we don't have reps that call on the doctors on a regular basis. So the only way they will come to learn about any form of health care that is not linked to the drug industry is from their patients. You could help someone to avoid having an unnecessary operation.

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